Purebiz Features
If you have any questions about any of our features or how you may use them please don't hesitate to contact us via our contact page.
Standard and Customisable Features

The CRM offers customisable function.
- Persons
- Businesses
- Customers
- Members
- Reminders
- Email Templates
- SMS Messaging

Human Resource Management
Customisable to meet your needs:
- Policies
- Procedures
- Position Descriptions
- Job Scorecards
- Safe Work Methods
- Timesheets

Other Built In Features
Also available
- Stripe Payments Integration
- Invoice Subscriptions
- Asset Tracking
- Inventory
- Muliple Inventory Units of Measure
- Sales Invoicing
- Multiple Price Levels
- Event Management
- Suggestion Box
- Delivery Scheduling
- Projects/Jobs
- Quotes
- Do & Charge

In Program Third Party Resouces
Get in touch with businesses that BIA know and trust from within Purebiz. Buy a safe handling policy from Performance Advantage HR for instance.
All of the above features can be customised to suit you business so your competitors will never be able to keep up with you.
Software Customisation
All of the above features can be customised. This is after all why Purebiz exists. As memtioned earlier, software development is a process that has some very specific steps. The time it takes to carry out each of this steps is highly variable . Below is description of each these steps.
Introductory Meeting
No Charge. Graeme is happy to meet you via Zoom almost anytime for a 30 minute meeting. We will discuss what pain or vision for your business has prompted you to contact us.
Diagnostic Meeting
This where it starts to get tricky, the diagnostic meeting can be a difficult meeting. We don't know much about your business and how you work and you don't know what we expect you to supply. An initial meeting will be held to discuss in detail what your requirements are. This meeting will possibly two or three hours in length.
The job to be done is to map out exactly what the software customisation is to do and how it will do it. This is never easy. Graeme will ask lots of questions about the process and the business generally. We need to gather enough information to create a Fully Dressed Use Case for each process. This Use Case will include both "happy" and "unhappy" paths.
Once the Use Cases are created we can put a Cost Estimate and a Build Plan together for the project.
We may decide to break the project up into stages. It is not wise too change too much to quickly in a business, employees become disoriented and we want to avoid that.
The Build Cost Estimate And Build Plan
We take the infomation gathered duing the diagnostic process and break it down in to small tasks. Each of these tasks are costed, both time and money. The order in which they have to be done from the Build Plan and their cost is added up to produce the Cost Estimate.
This the point at which you decide whether or not you want to make the investment. The Build Plan is reviewed so that you know exactly what to expect and that nothing has been left out
First Iteration
We want to quickly get something that the customer can see and test. We build the project in parts, each part building on the next. Too much change too quickly is disruptive and we also want to avoid that. So the first iteration usually takes the longest but is just the first step along the Build Plan to completion. Building iterations also give the customer and ourselve the chance to review the project and to make suggestions and improvements.
As the customer begins to learn what is possible, the ideas come thick and fast. We will often defer some of these great ideas to the next stage of the project so that our ptimary goal is delayed. Once the primay goal is achieved we can discuss the detail and value of anything that has come up during the primary build.
Maintenance Phase
The final iterations wil probably never come. That is the truth. Businesses and the environment they work in is always changing. And so software needs to keep up. When the project enters it's Maintenance Phase. Small adjustments are done by us at no charge. Generally speaking, if it takes less than an hour for us to do we will not charge you. Bugs are taken care of immediately and at no charge to you.